
Previously deported Illegal Alien and Drunk Driving competitor Gabriel Huerta Cruz was up to his old tricks, Swilling-n-Swerving around our country. Somehow, after being deported, he managed to elude the robotic dogs, acid pits, Sentry Monsterstm and National Guard troops lining every inch of our Southern border and smuggle himself into the country. Then he got arrested and a Grand Jury got involved.

l’m not sure why the Grand Jury was involved, since he didn’t run anyone over or careen into a group of children. If anything, I’d say his performance this season was completely unremarkable. But what do I know?

Congratulations, Gabriel on being our Illegal Alien of the Day! You’re out of the competition in the Sport of Sorts this year, but there’s always next year!

Grand jury returns indictment in illegal immigrant case

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