Shooting Officials Will Not Help You With Your Stats

Never shoot the ref.

Unlike some other professional sports I could name, the Official Sport of Illegal Aliens does not tolerate shenanigans. Rules are rules. And when previously-deported Drunk Driver Hector Mercado’s family intervened during the ref’s tallying of Hector’s score, it was a gross violation of the rules.

Yes, while Referee/Officer Katie Lawson was arresting and scoring Señor Mercado’s run, his family (who may-or-may-not also be Illegals) foolishly tried to up Hector’s score by shooting the officer!

Needless to say, that scheme lacked any forethought (“actions by participants not in the vehicle with the Drunk Driver are not counted”), it got poor Hector a lifetime suspension. Way to go, helpful family!

Sorry about being your being booted from the league, but congratulations on being our Illegal Alien of the Day, Hector Mercado! Remember, even though you can’t take the field with the big boys anymore, there’s always pro-am! Or another hobby. Like rape or kidnapping.

Man whose family is charged in the shooting of an OKC police officer is indicted in federal court

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