Identity Theft Is Not A Crime

A Real American Hero!

Huzzah! Today we have yet another American hero, helping to ensure a superior quality of life for Illegal Aliens in our country!

Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank — our Honorary Illegal Alien of the Day — has not been enforcing a number of laws regarding minor things like identity theft, thus paving the way for all the civic-minded Illegals we feature daily on this page. And because of his leniency, even SLC crime statistics are skewed. As the article states:

“Therefore, when the study commissioned by Chief Burbank says that arrests for identity theft are actually lower for Latinos than for other groups, it is because the Salt Lake Police Department grants illegal aliens immunity from arrest for document fraud and identity theft.
“…when up to three-fourths of Utah’s illegal aliens routinely commit document fraud and/or identity theft, the Salt Lake City Police Department ignores these serious crimes and denies that they even exist.
“And then, since there are no SLCPD crime statistics for these crimes, Chief Burbank says that it proves that Latinos do not commit an inordinate amount of identity theft.”

So, thanks a million, Chief Burbank! Perhaps one of these days an Illegal you assisted with your mollycoddling will end up on this very page for pedophilia, murder or (most likely) drunk driving! I hope your office is an elected one, because the folks in SLC would never want to lose you!

Salt Lake City Police Study Understates Illegal Alien Identity Theft

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