The Rape Fairy


"I am honored to receive this award. I hope I get released so I can win another one."


Francisco Barbosa is sort of like The Tooth Fairy. He enters homes, attempts to suffocate elderly ladies with pillows, then beats and rapes them repeatedly before — poof! — disappearing into the night.

OK, maybe that’s not exactly like The Tooth Fairy, but it’s still a valuable community service. Isn’t it wonderful, all the unique cultural goodies Illegals bring to our land? Why, if he hadn’t decided to do this, that old woman may never have witnessed this quaint foreign custom, and simply gone on with her life! How lucky for her Francisco was around!

On behalf of the staff here at IAotD, hola and congratulations, Señor Barbosa! Perhaps the inmates in your new prison haven’t been exposed to your pillowy/rapey parties… think of it as another opportunity to spread south-of-the-border cheer and parasites, like you did to that helpless 92-year-old!

Suspect in Elderly Monroe Co. Woman’s ’08 Rape Returned to E. Tenn.

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